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Crystal Marquis Pendant and Mesh Neck Chain Pattern (PDF)


Bezel a Marquis shaped stone (Navette 32 x 17mm) with seed beads and embellish with crystals. This show-stopping pendant is stunning. Using a step bezel technique to set the stone, work the piece from back to front. The approximate size of the pendant is 1 1/2 inches x 1 1/4 inches. The stone will be crystal—and colors achieved with the seed bead surround.

Add the Mesh Neck Chain to the pendant to complete the elegant look.

Please note: you will need a 32 x 17mm navette stone article #4227 to work this bezel.


Stitches include: Right Angle Weave, Ndebele, Peyote, Brick and Netting

Fire line 6lb recommended